Date: 8. April 2023 - 15. April 2023
Free places: 13

Start and end of the tour: Hurghada – Hurghada


This tour is optimal for wreck and big fish lovers. We start from Hurghada to explore the most beautiful places of the northern Red Sea, their wrecks and wonderful reefs. Be enchanted by the mystique of times past, the schools of fish and the abundance of the underwater world.

On the plan are among others the following dive sites:
Thistlegorm – probably the most famous wreck in the Red Sea.
The wrecks at Abu Nuhas reef: SS Carnatic, the Greek wooden freighter Giannis D, the lentil freighter Kimon M. and the ceramic tile laden Chrisoula K.
Shaab el Erg (Dolphinhouse)
Ras Mohammed – Shark & Yolanda Reef; Jackfish Alley
Strait of Tiran with Thomas, Gordon, Woodhouse and Jackson reefs.

The actual selection of dive sites always depends on wind and weather conditions.

Included Services: see Safari Info


Bookings are no longer possible for this tour.