The dive sites

The blue thistle, means the name “Thistlegorm” , is probably the most famous wreck in the Red Sea. The English ship was on its way to Egypt to supply the English Africa Corps with supplies when it was attacked by a German bomber on October 6, 1941 and sank. The wreck lies upright on the seabed at a depth of 30 m. The cargo is particularly interesting: tanks, trucks, weapons, motorcycles, railway wagons and a locomotive.

The Abu Nuhas Reef is famous for its wrecks. Four ships sank on this reef, which today are a magnet for divers from all over the world. For example the Greek freighter Giannis D., which ran onto the reef on March 19, 1983 and sank within a short time. The wreck lies at a maximum depth of 27 m and is lush with hard and soft corals. In the middle the wreck has broken apart completely, but the front bow section is very well preserved and can also be easily dived. The 45 inclined position of the bow section is sometimes irritating, and the diver has to be aware that it is not he, but the ship that is inclined.

The Ras Mohammed National Park offers fantastic diving spots . For example the Jolanda Reef and the Shark Reef. The two reefs stand on a plateau, the edges of which drop to a depth of more than 200 m. The reef is beautifully overgrown with corals and you can meet large schools of fish. If you are lucky, you can come across sharks on an early morning dive. At Jolanda Reef you can admire the cargo of the freighter “Jolanda”: a large number of toilets!

A coral chain runs parallel to the mainland of Sinai along the Strait of Tiran . This coral necklace consists of four different reefs: the Gordon Reef , the Thomas Reef , the Woodhouse Reef and the Jackson Reef .
Gordon Reef has fantastic coral and wildlife. There is a large, extensive sand plateau that is only about 10 to 25 meters deep and ends with a drop off. There are many beautiful corals on the plateau (especially on the east side).
At the Gordon Reef there are also some barrels as well as a wreck and parts of the wreck. You can see eagle rays, large fish of all kinds and, with a little luck, turtles or sharks. In the south of the plateau there is a slight depression in the sand, which is also called Shark Pool.
The Thomas Reef has an impressive underwater landscape. You drift over the spectacular canyon, past a great coral landscape on the steep wall of the reef and occasionally you can even watch
big fish such as sharks or tuna. Sometimes a drift also fails because the current is too strong at the northern tip, so that you cannot avoid it.
The Woodhouse Reef is a narrow reef – it is particularly exciting because of the canyon, which is worth seeing the east side. Also, the chance of encountering different types of large fish is pretty good. Turtles are also quite common at Woodhouse Reef.
The Jackson Reef is the northernmost in the reef chain. To the west the reef is not very steep, near the Woodhouse Reef the gradient becomes smaller and smaller. To the east, on the other hand, there is an impressive steep wall, and to the north there is a wreck on the reef roof. There are
beautiful coral landscapes at Jackson Reef. In addition, you can always find large fish here, e.g. B. watch whole hammerhead sharks and many turtles.

The safari price includes:

  • Transfer from Hurghada airport to the ship
  • 6 days safari, ½ double cabin, possibly last night in a 3 * hotel
  • full board
  • tea, coffee, water, soft drinks
  • 3-4 dives per day, last day 2 dives
  • < li> 12 liter diving bottle, lead

  • local guides

Additional costs on site:
150, – € for the Egyptian entry visa and the reef fees (as of 01 / 2021),
35, – € Port Ghalib port fees (when departing from Port Ghalib / Marsa Alam)
Surcharges for 15 liter bottles, nitrox and rental equipment.

The flights can be booked individually according to the current daily price, or combined into a package.
In the Egyptian marine protected areas there is a minimal diving experience of 50 dives